Check out our latest demo reel, featuring some never-before-seen footage from The Waterman Movie!
CJC Entertainment is now CJC Animation.
This rebranding has been a long time in the making, and we’re happy to have finally made the switch. Included with the rebranding is our shiny new website, where we have streamlined and simplified the browsing experience.
We are happy to be back and very excited for what’s to come here at CJC Animation!
Earlier this month, KJC Comix (who we are huge fans of) have released issue 1 of their incredible audio manga known as FLUR: Blades of the Universe!
The story follows Lida Garuzo, a soon-to-be high school graduate, who involuntarily gets involved within a secret war of worlds. Through her actions and her decisions made over the course of her adventure, the results could ultimately mean the end of all existence.
You can check out the streaming sampler of FLUR: Blades of the Universe below:
And learn more about it on the official FLUR: Blades of the Universe website.
FLUR: Blades of the Universe is also now available on many different platforms, including Google Play, iTunes, Amazon MP3, and XBOX Music – with even more to come!
Our hats off to the amazing work by KJC Comix and all of the incredible talent involved!
A crossover episode between The Simpsons and Family Guy is something that we’ve talked about and imagined many times over the years, but never thought that we’d see the day that it would actually happen. At this year’s Comic-Con, the epic episode titled “The Simpsons Guy” was sampled, and based off of the segments that they showed, we already love it.
There are tons of small visual differences that we’ve noticed between The Simpsons and Family Guy throughout the years (not only in art, but animation as well) and we’ve always wondered how the two shows would look when put together. The blending was done very well! Everything looks and feels authentic. While it was very distracting to see at first, our brains eventually accepted the concept of Peter Griffin standing next to Homer Simpson. We also wondered how they would write an episode like this. They seem to have done an awesome job of blending the different comedic styles of The Simpsons and Family Guy together. However, while you can definitely taste the flavor from both shows, Family Guy’s style of comedy stands out.
These are just our first impressions based off of what we’ve seen in the sample. There’s no telling what our thoughts may be once we see the full episode, but either way, we are super excited about this! The crossover episode is set to air on September 28, 2014.
That’s right, 10 years ago we created our very first animation with voice over. We did this as a test for our first full blown cartoon concept known as 2nd Avenue. Check out the video below to see the very first piece of animation and voice-over that we’ve ever done.