Earlier this month, KJC Comix (who we are huge fans of) have released issue 1 of their incredible audio manga known as FLUR: Blades of the Universe!
The story follows Lida Garuzo, a soon-to-be high school graduate, who involuntarily gets involved within a secret war of worlds. Through her actions and her decisions made over the course of her adventure, the results could ultimately mean the end of all existence.
You can check out the streaming sampler of FLUR: Blades of the Universe below:
And learn more about it on the official FLUR: Blades of the Universe website.
FLUR: Blades of the Universe is also now available on many different platforms, including Google Play, iTunes, Amazon MP3, and XBOX Music – with even more to come!
Our hats off to the amazing work by KJC Comix and all of the incredible talent involved!