CJC Teams Up with Waterman Studios

CJC Entertainment Waterman Studios

We have some incredible news to share today!

We have officially joined forces with Waterman Studios to help produce ‘The Waterman Movie’ starring the legendary Leslie Nielsen! This is a dream scenario for us on many levels. We have been fans of the ‘Waterman’ series back when it was fresh on Newgrounds.com. On top of that, we have been huge fans of Leslie Nielsen since we were kids, so you can probably imagine how excited we are about this! We’re literally going from simple fans waiting for The Waterman Movie to be completed, to actually helping to make it happen!

Would you also like to help make it happen? Sure you would! Why not, right? Well good, because you totally can!

The Waterman Movie has been approved for a kickstarter.com campaign and is in need of pledges.  So if you would like to help push the movie forward and make it a reality, visit the kickstarter page for “The Waterman Movie” Starring Leslie Nielsen, pledge if you can or just help spread the word!

On Kickstarter, you will see a list of cool rewards for the different pledge amounts offered. For one single dollar, you can have your name placed in the credits of the movie under the “Kickstarter.com Backers” section. Or you can be super duper generous and find yourself screening the movie with the cast of the film before it’s released to the public!

Simply visit “The Waterman Movie” Starring Leslie Nielsen for more information.

Oh, and did I mention that comedic legend Leslie Nielsen stars in the film?

Please help support this long-awaited movie! Let’s make it happen!

New Mic

Alas, we have finally acquired a new microphone! The MXL 990 USB Condenser mic has already proven to be much more useful and convenient for our recording needs. It tremendously cuts down on the amount of work needed to obtain clear audio.

And it comes in a nifty carrying case!

We’re looking forward to putting it to the real test with our upcoming projects!

Sooo… What have we been up to?

We thought that it would be neat to show off some of the awesome projects that we’re currently working on. We can’t show too much (as it’s all still work-in-progress), but you should still be able to get a pretty good idea of how things are looking. So without further ado, lets take a quick look inside the studio and see what’s cooking!


New Website



Our new website has been in the works for a while now. It’s basically a more structured/simpler version that eliminates Flash and uses PHP, CSS, and HTML in its place. This should make for a much more efficient experience. At the moment, we’ve finished the layout and we’re just about to get into designing the final header graphics. We still have quite a ways to go before this new version of our website is ready to go live.


Nova Loops Packaging



For the last year or so, we’ve been designing a series of product boxes for Nova Loops. This has been a constant flow of work, and will most likely continue to be for a good while. These are digital packages, meaning they aren’t physically created, but we still design them with that capability in mind. The product boxes basically represent the certain types of downloadable content that is offered by Nova Loops.


Love Kids Worldwide



For the last year, we have been designing and creating artwork, animation, websites, physical books, and much more for Sunshine Kids Worldwide Love Kids Worldwide. Since most of the work is still in production (and being set up for distribution), we can’t say too much more about it at the moment.


Slou Foot & Doucha



For the past two months, we’ve been working with one of the writers/creators of the hilarious bound-for-television show, “Slou Foot & Doucha”. We were asked to create the intro for the pilot episode, which consists of live footage and some animation. This project in particular has been quite the challenge for us because we have never really worked with so much live footage before. With that said, there have been a lot of trial and error, but we’re getting the hang of it. Currently we’re waiting for some updated footage from the colorist so that we can finalize our creation. Also, we were recently asked to create the ending credits (since they loved the intro so much. Yay!), so we’re just getting started on that. The deadline for the overall project is closing in fast, and hopefully we’ll get what we need soon so that we can proceed with our part.


Logos, Logos, and More Logos


We are currently designing a few logos too! Some are simple, some are complicated. Of course we can’t really show them until they have been finalized and protected from the infringement ninjas, but they will be in our portfolio eventually.


T-Shirt Designs



We’ve also been designing t-shirts! There will be a series of designs created for a couple of new clothing lines that are sure to take the world by storm!


Go-Go Ninja



Go-Go Ninja is a highly potential animated series that is being produced in-house. Originally announced back in 2008, we are taking our time with its development. We love trying new things with every single project that we work on, and this has not changed with Go-Go Ninja. The visual style that we’re hoping to achieve is brand new to us and we’re still in the process of research and studying new techniques. So, as we expand our minds to the furthest reaches, we hope to properly bring Go-Go into the world with a bang!


2nd Avenue



2nd Avenue is by far the biggest project that we have to work on. It takes a lot more time and effort to develop, and we usually find ourselves with little to no time to give it that proper attention. But alas, we’re hoping to change that. 2nd Avenue Episode 3 has been in it’s planning phase for a good while now, and the wheels are starting to turn on preproduction. There is no telling when or if this episode will ever see the light of day, but we will do our best to bring it to life.

That’s about it! As you can see, we’ve been keeping quite busy but it has been a blast utilizing our creativity so much! We hope to continue this trend in the many years to come!

MAKING OF: Twelve A.M.

The idea of Twelve A.M. originally came to us in the early part of October 2008. We wanted to do a holiday-themed project, and since Halloween was right around the corner, we decided to focus our attentions there and come up with something spooky.

The idea didn’t work out too well, as we were unfortunately unable to give it the proper attention and demand that it needed. Halloween quickly came and went, and we had made little to no progress within that time, so we decided to scrap the project. Little did we know that his project would ‘haunt’ us for the next year, constantly regaining our attention until we decided to finish what we started.